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코딩 공부에 필요한 사이트 모음[계속 추가중]
분류는 아직 못하고 일단 다 때려넣고 있습니다. https://roadmap.sh/frontend Frontend Developer Roadmap Learn to become a modern frontend developer using this roadmap. Community driven, articles, resources, guides, interview questions, quizzes for modern frontend development. roadmap.sh 그외 모든 로드맵 https://roadmap.sh/ Developer Roadmaps - roadmap.sh Community driven roadmaps, articles and guides for developers to grow ..
CS50-05-Data Structure / 작성중 56:00
take … for granted ①…을 당연한 것이라고[의심할 여지가 없다고] 생각하다 https://cs50.harvard.edu/x/2023/weeks/5/ Week 5 Data Structures - CS50x 2023 Harvard University's introduction to the intellectual enterprises of computer science and the art of programming. cs50.harvard.edu 자료 https://okeybox.tistory.com/176 Queue : 식당 줄 비슷. first in first out FIFO enqueue : 줄에 입장 dequeue : 순서가 되어서 줄에서 나감 Stack : 쌓아둔 쟁반과 비슷. las..