Half - CS50x 2023
Harvard University's introduction to the intellectual enterprises of computer science and the art of programming.
제출한 답안
// Calculate your half of a restaurant bill
// Data types, operations, type casting, return value
#include <cs50.h>
#include <stdio.h>
float half(float bill, float tax, int tip);
int main(void)
float bill_amount = get_float("Bill before tax and tip: ");
float tax_percent = get_float("Sale Tax Percent: ");
int tip_percent = get_int("Tip percent: ");
printf("You will owe $%.2f each!\n", half(bill_amount, tax_percent, tip_percent));
// TODO: Complete the function
float half(float bill, float tax, int tip)
float tax_each;
tax_each = bill / 100 * tax;
float tip_each;
tip_each = (bill + tax_each) / 100 * tip;
float result = ( bill + tax_each + tip_each ) / 2;
return result;
익숙하지 않아서 시간은 걸렸지만, 나누는 사람 숫자도 둘로 정해져있는 예제여서 큰 어려움은 없었다.