나의 solution
function solution(keymap, targets) {
let result = [];
for (targetsIndex in targets) {
let targetCount = [];
for (targetElement of targets[targetsIndex]) {//타겟 한개중 타겟한글자
let keymapCount = [];
for (a of keymap) { //키맵 종류 하나씩 테스트
let index =;
index === -1
? keymapCount.push(index)
: keymapCount.push(index + 1);
keymapCount.sort((a, b) => b - a);
let max = Math.max(...keymapCount);
let newKeymapCount = keymapCount.filter((a) => a > 0);
let min = Math.min(...newKeymapCount);
max === -1
? targetCount.push(-1)
: targetCount.push(min);
let sum = targetCount.reduce((accu, curr) => accu + curr);
? result.push(-1)
: result.push(sum);
//타켓의 i번째 요소가 키맵에서 인덱스 몇번인지+1
//타겟요소 갯수만큼 루프
return result;
좋아요 제일 많이 받은 solution
function solution(keymap, targets) {
const answer = [];
const map = {}
for (const items of keymap) {
items.split('').map((item, index) => map[item] = (map[item] < index+1 ? map[item] : index+1))
for (const items of targets) {
answer.push(items.split('').reduce((cur, item) => cur += map[item], 0) || -1)
return answer;